Parish Organizations

Parish Organizations

Click on any group below to read more about them, or contact the church office for more information.


Knights of Columbus Council 5062 (1960)

Since its founding in 1881, the Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 13,000 councils and 1.7 million members throughout the world.

Here at St. Paul, Council 5062 raises funds for special projects in the parish and St. Paul School. Council members also donate their time in a multitude of support functions within the parish and community. In 1980 the "KC Hall" was built adjacent to the Church building. Many parish-related functions are held in the facility. The Council participates in an annual fund raising effort that benefits the Mentally-Challenged. Our local Knights join their National organization to participate in worthwhile projects around the world. In a recent example of what the Knights do, their national organization joined with the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other Catholic organizations to rebuild and reopen a seminary near Havana,Cuba that was siezed and closed by the Communist government nearly fifty years ago. Details of how this major step in the improvement of relations between the Church and the Cuban government came about are in this article in the December 2010 issue of Columbia Magazine.

On the local scene, everyone at St. Paul loves the monthly K of C Spaghetti Dinner, held from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the "KC Hall" on the 3rd Saturday of every month except July, August, and December. The proceeds are donated to the Church.
Our own Praesidium meets on Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

Celebrating Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney: On October 31, 2020 the Knights of Columbus founder, Fr. Michael McGivney, was beatified and members are still celebrating. Get a glimpse of the papal letter that declared Fr. McGivney blessed, watch the unveiling of the official beatification portrait and more in this short overview…watch.

Terrific Opportunity with Knights of Columbus
In honor of the Beatification of Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney, founder, Knights of Columbus, the KofC are offering free online membership ($30 value) to eligible Catholic men--must be at least 18 yrs. old, baptized and a practicing Catholic. Join at - discount code: MCGIVNEY2020. Offer ends Dec. 31, 2020. The KofC, founded in 1882 in New Haven, Conn., are a family, fraternal service organization dedicated to charity, unity and fraternity. Direct questions to

Mother Cabrini Circle (1972)

Provides food, clothing, and household goods to needy families. Members also work closely with other local and regional charitable groups supporting travelers' aid, holiday food baskets, and prison ministry. In 1984 an existing structure on the parish grounds became the "Cabrini House" thrift store selling used clothing and household items on the first Saturday of each month, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.

The Cabrini Circle manages the distribution of the following services to the community through the generosity of St. Paul parishioners and special patrons:

  • Food, clothing, and emergency aid through St. Paul church
  • Support for St. Paul special projects
  • Ministering to the needs of the sick and elderly
  • Refugee and disaster relief services
  • Infant clothing, furnishings, and maternity wear to Birthright
  • Assistance to Catholic Charities
  • Clothing to Goodwill Industries and the Salvation Army
  • Baskets to Knights of Columbus for the annual Easter Egg Hunt
  • Assistance to the Diocese of Memphis Catholic School system

Cabrini Circle also supports and works with other community service organizations, including the Memphis Union Mission, the Diocese of Memphis Seminary Fund, Harbor House, House of Grace, Church Health System, Memphis Mental Health Facility, and other deserving charities brought to our attention.

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary (1981)

The K of C Ladies Auxiliary assists with the inter-relationships among the parish, the families, and the community, and with many K of C special projects. The Ladies Auxiliary raises funds for their projects through the traditional St. Paul ravioli sale and prepares food for the Seder dinner and other special parish events.

Parish Council (1984)

The Parish Council is a consultative body that assists the Pastor in planning, goal setting, program development, service improvement, and evaluation of pastoral effectiveness.

Altar Society

The Altar Society cleans and mends altar linens, maintains the vigil candles, and helps decorate the sanctuary. They hold a monthly meeting every 4th Tuesday except for the Summer months (June, July, and August). The meetings begin at 10:30 a.m. and are followed by a potluck lunch in the Parish Hall.

Parish Club

The Parish Club, for people 55 and older, provides friendship and support through quarterly meetings, potluck luncheons, guest speakers, and entertainment. Parish Club meetings are followed by lunch. Please check the Sunday bulletin for the next date and time.

Ministry to the Sick

Brings a caring presence to the homebound, infirm, and hospitalized. They administer the Sacrament of the Eucharist to those unable to attend church services.

Bereavement Committee

Prepares and serves a meal in the Parish Hall for family and friends of the deceased after the funeral.

Liturgical Music

The parish Liturgical Music program includes several cantors, organists/pianists, guitarists, and percussionists, as well as four choirs: two Sunday mass choirs for the English masses, one for the Spanish choirs, and a schola that sings for funerals during the week. Each ensemble has its own particular style and repertoire, making St. Paul's liturgical music program eclectic and exciting, and able to help meet the spiritual needs of a wide variety of people.

If you have a gift or a talent, no matter how great or small, God may be calling you to help other parishioners fulfill what St. Augustine said about singing: Those who sing pray twice.

Additional Information

For more information about any of these ministries, organizations, or activities, please contact the church office. Time and location of meetings and events are listed in the Sunday Bulletin.