Rev. Francisco Franquiz, Administrator, Pastor • Rev. Cosmas Okechukwu Ebebe, Associate Pastor

Saint Paul the Apostle Catholic Church

1425 E. Shelby Dr. • Memphis TN 38116 • (901) 346-2380

History of St. Paul

Mass Schedule


  9:00 AM

  4:00 PM (Sunday Vigil)


  7:00 AM, 10:00 AM,

  12:30 PM (Español)

Monday through Friday

  6:00 AM, 8:15 AM


  7:30 PM (Español)


  7:30 PM (English)

Holy Days

  Check the bulletin.



  8:15 AM

  3:00 - 3:30 PM


  6:00 PM (English)


  6:00 PM (Spanish)

  or by appointment

Archive Contents

This page contains an archive of much of the content of the previous version of the parish website. Below is a list of the contents for the archive. Click on any of the items in the list below to go to that section of the page.


Parish Hall Dedication: September 24, 2000

Click on any of the photos below to "pop" open a larger image.

Photos by Gil Hennon.

Habitat for Humanity Building Project: September - October, 2001

Click on any of the photos below to "pop" open a larger image.

Photos by Gil Hennon.

Life Chain Sunday

October 3, 2010
By Barbara McGrath

It was a glorious day, blue skies, white cluster clouds, mild temperature as many of us—adults, teenagers, and young children—stood along Poplar Ave. at Goodlett in “a national prayer chain” for an hour holding Pro-Life signs calling upon God in prayer to help us stop the horrendous crime of abortion.

I was overwhelmed with joy that nearly 100 cared enough to spend this hour defending our innocent unborn and I am certain our prayers will not go unheard, for God hears the cry of the poor and will surely help us stop this evil.

According to Life Chain organizers, the national pro-life witness saves pre-born lives and changes receptive hearts. While standing for one hour in meditation and prayer, participants hold signs that include Abortion Kills Children, Jesus Forgives and Heals, Adoption the Loving Option, and I Regret My Abortion.

For more information about Life Chain, visit their web site at

Click on an image to view a larger size.

Photos by Michael Harrington

Wassailing Parish Christmas Party: December 19, 2010

by Ruth Brooks

St Paul's Annual Wassailing Party, (our church's Christmas Party), was filled with the "Spirit of Christmas ", which started with music of Christmas in the background played by Carolyn Maginni and flute soloist, Emily James, while we gathered together to eat Pot Luck hors d'oeuvre, drink wassail teas, and play reindeer games ( table trivia). Followed by a Christmas Story by our own pastor, Fr. Pugh, which we all found very inspiring for the season we are experiencing (Advent), as well as the season approaching (Christmas). Then the children came forth individually to sing their favorite Christmas song!!!

Every child who sings a solo gets a gift from under the tree. Afterwards they all sing collectively, Christmas Carols, and they all select a gift from under the tree. Thanks to Cathy Weirich for successfully working with the children.

Then there was Jeopardy!!! The Jeopardy questions are based on Christmas facts, movies, songs, events, anything Christmas. At our Wassailing Parties from years gone by this game has really grown, from pencils and paper at each table, to the Big Screen, thanks to Anne and Jim White and their whole family. We actually believe we are contestants on Jeopardy. The Whites also provided us with Minute-to-Win it games with candy canes. The evening was a lot of fun for all who attended. There is no hard work when there is so much fun by all.

Ruth Brooks, Maria Neely, Emillie Michael, and Anne White decorated the Parish Hall. After looking at the pictures below, you will not want to miss next December's party.

If you would like to add your photos from this event, please e-mail Michael Harrington at or call (901) 214-5659.

Click on an image to view a larger size.

Holy Week Preparations

March 27, 2010
By Dale Johnston

With the help of our Hispanic youth and the Altar Society, the boys clean the church grounds while inside, the girls prepare the Holy Saturday vigil candles as the ladies separate the palms for Easter Sunday.

Click on an image to view a larger size.

Photos by Michael Harrington

Parish Picnic and Silent Auction 2014

October 5, 2014
By Michael Harrington

St. Paul's annual parish picnic and silent auction was attended by many families. The weather was sunny and pleasant. The event started with the praying of the Living Rosary. All enjoyed the food, cake walk, bingo, moon bounce, soccer, and the throwing of water balloons at Fr. Johnnie. The Silent Auction was a big success with the proceeds going to help defray the expenses of the parish.

Thanks to all those who planned, worked on, contributed to, or attended the 2014 Parish Picnic. A Very Special Thanks to Ruth Brooks, who worked so hard to make this year’s picnic great!

Mother Cabrini sends their many thanks to all those who helped with or donated to the Silent Auction.


Parroquia de picnic y Subasta Silenciosa 2014

05 de octubre 2014
Por Michael Harrington

De picnic parroquial anual de St. Paul y subasta silenciosa asistieron muchas familias. El clima era soleado y agradable. El evento comenzó con el rezo del Rosario Viviente. Todos disfrutamos de la comida, pastel de a pie, el bingo, rebote lunar, el fútbol, y el lanzamiento de agua globos en P. Johnnie. La subasta silenciosa fue un gran éxito con las ganancias destinadas a ayudar a sufragar los gastos de la parroquia.

Gracias a todos los que planearon, trabajado, contribuido a, o asistió a la 2014 Parroquia de picnic. Un muy especial Gracias a Ruth Brooks, que trabajó tan duro para hacer día de campo de este año genial!

Madre Cabrini envía sus muchas gracias a todos los que ayudaron con o donado a la subasta silenciosa.


Seder Meal

March 21, 2016
By Michael Harrington

Passover is the oldest and most important religious festival in Judaism, commemorating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and his creation of the Israelite people. Each Jewish family comes together at a special meal to remember their ancestors' freedom. In the Christian Bible, this is told in the Book of Exodus. Learn more about the Seder Meal by clicking here.

Thanks to David and Patricia Mentgen for providing the lamb and Vernon Simoneaux for cooking it; to Larry Hodges for all you do in setting up and music, Emilie and Dan Michael for decorating the tables and providing the wine and parsley, Ann Dotson for taking care of the eggs, Ray and Pat Cuthberson for providing horseradish, Ken and Janice Argroves for the haroset, which is an expensive recipe. Thanks also to the participants including our Pastor Fr. Johnnie, Fr. Herbert, Deacon Terry, and Sarah McKinley.

A special thanks to the children that participated, and those who assisted in serving and stayed to help with clean up. The Seder Meal was a Spiritual experience and huge success for everyone who came and participated. Thanks to all who accepted the invitation to share the event. It could not exist without you. In addition, a special thanks to Ruth Brooks who worked so hard to make the meal a success.

Click on any photo below to view a slideshow of this event. It will open in a new tab or window. If you have any of your photos you would like to share, you can send them to Michael-at-StPaulMemphis-dot-org.

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