

This page is an attempt to provide information of weekly and monthly announcements. Any changes in these events, as well as any meetings that don't appear here, can always be found in the Sunday Bulletin.

Or for more information on anything here, contact the church office
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (901) 346-2380 • Fax: (901) 346-2385

Or feel free to email us at: .

View announcements from around the diocese.

Happing Now

First Friday Adoration

Mobile Food Pantry

2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

The 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal has begun. Our parish goal is $30,000 . Watch the video and read the brochure. Please complete your pledge card, indicating your gift or pledge to our diocesan church. You can download a card here or signup online. It is important for all of us to participate in order to support our diocesan church.

Our Annual Catholic Appeal specifically provides support to our Retired Priests who have dedicated their lives to our Diocese and to Seminarians working hard to be our future priests. It also ensures the strength of our Religious Education Programs and many of our important Ministries, along with helping the poor and needy among us. It is these services of mercy that has drawn us closer in unity with Christ and a deeper relationship with God as One Church, One Family!

Announcements Phone Line

We now have an announcements line on our phone system. You can get latest information of events happening now and in the future and the Mass schedule. If weather should cancel PRE classes or other activities, it will be recorded on our announcements line. They will be in English and Spanish. To hear the announcements, call (901) 346-2381.

FAITH West Tennessee

FAITH West Tennessee Cover FAITH West Tennessee is a dual language publication (flip the magazine over for the other language.) The lives of the people of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis come alive in the storytelling published by the Office of Communications. These feature stories provide an in-depth look at parishioners, clergy, religious, teachers and students, and all of those working in various ministries of the Catholic Church in West Tennessee. Their lives, and how they intersect with the current issues of the day, inform these stories. Registered parishioners get this monthly magazine mailed at no charge to their homes. We are sent a few extras each month. You are encouraged to take a read it if you do not receive one.

Please Pray for the Sick of the Parish

Kasey Jo Acree, Walter Aldrich, Carrie Anderson, JD Barlow, Juanita Bauer, Bennett Family, Regina Boyd, Jack Canizaro, Pete Carroll, Gary Clark, Bill Costello, Sarah Nelson Costello, Lisa David, Ann Dion, Guillermo Dominguez, Paul Douglas, Kevin daLomba, Steve Dortch, Charlie Dunstan, Barbara Fili, Jenny Finney, Emma Fuller, Pat Fiveash, Jo Foren, Javier Gallegos, Sydney Gordon, Marilyn Gorman, Robert Harmon, Jr. Patrick Joseph Jude Gorman, Philip Hamilton, Bobby Hartfield, Elaine Hennon, Kaitlyn Holt, Jonathan Hoyle, Kim Hults, Dale Johnston, Frank Kelley, Bob Kolwyck, DC Kolwyck, Kathleen Lane, Honore Lartigue, Jesus Leon, Amanda Leonard, Judy Martin, Mike Martin, Kevin Martin, Pat Mattei, Billy McElwain, Pat Mentgen, Floyd Montgomery, James Morten, Jr., Katie Nelson, Mary Anne “Foxy” Nelson, Wilson Nelson, Greg Oltremari, Alfredo Olvera, Eugene Ori, Jr., John Palmer, Kasey Jo Acree, Walter Aldrich, Carrie Anderson, JD Barlow, Juanita Bauer, Bennett Family, Regina Boyd, Janet Buhr, Jack Canizaro, Pete Carroll, Gary Clark, Bill Costello, Sarah Nelson Costello, Lisa David, Ann Dion, Guillermo Dominguez, Paul Douglas, Kevin daLomba, Steve Dortch, Charlie Dunstan, Barbara Fili, Jenny Finney, Emma Fuller, Pat Fiveash, Jo Foren, Javier Gallegos, Sydney Gordon, Marilyn Gorman, Robert Harmon, Jr. Patrick Joseph Jude Gorman, Philip Hamilton, Bobby Hartfield, Elaine Hennon, Kaitlyn Holt, Jonathan Hoyle, Kim Hults, Dale Johnston, Frank Kelley, Bob Kolwyck, DC Kolwyck, Kathleen Lane, Honore Lartigue, Jesus Leon, Amanda Leonard, Judy Martin, Mike Martin, Kevin Martin, Pat Mattei, Billy McElwain, Pat Mentgen, Floyd Montgomery, James Morten, Jr., Katie Nelson, Mary Anne “Foxy” Nelson, Wilson Nelson, Greg Oltremari, Alfredo Olvera, Eugene Ori, Jr., John Palmer, Danny Pierce, Waylon Poulette, Maureen Raiteri, Mike Ray, Glenda Reynolds, Karen Robertson, Audrey Sax, Connie Smith, Stanley Rosenblatt, Vinaris Scott, Laura & Leo Sieben, Dayna Simoneaux, Rose Speltz, Luke Ray, Stephens, Barbara Strong, David Strong, Nikki Strong, Vincent Strong, Mark Taylor, Eduardo Terrazas, Deacon Andrew Terry, Bonnie Kay Tucker, Gail Vigil, Weston Vigil, Carole Viglietti, Melanie West, Avis Williams, Fredda Whiting, David Wolters.
Please keep our sick & their caregivers in your prayers.
Notify parish office of hospitalization and/or homebound.
Help us to keep our list updated by calling the parish office at 346-2380 or email . to add or remove names.

Mass Intentions

If you wish to have one or more Masses said for someone living or deceased, please download and save our online form and email it in. You may also print the completed form or formas and mail it/them to the church office:
Attention Margretta
St. Paul Catholic Church
1425 E. Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38116

Prayer Intentions

Instead of writing our intentions on the back of our weekly envelopes, we will now record our petitions and prayer requests for the sick, the homebound, the suffering, the local and universal Church, the needs of the world, and all who need prayer in a blue book, Lord, Have Mercy: Prayer intentions for Your Faith Community, which can be found on Mary’s altar in the east transept.

TV Mass for the Homebound

Is someone you love unable to join us at church on Sundays? For the faithful at home or in healthcare settings, the Heart of the Nation Sunday TV Mass brings spiritual comfort and the blessings of joy-filled hope in our Risen Savior. Please invite anyone you know who cannot get out to church to tune in to Sunday Catholic Mass on one of many local channels (view list of channels) or watch online at Past Sunday Masses are also available as well as many other great Catholic resources online.
For those who can get to church, the TV or online liturgy does not fulfill the Sunday Mass obligation!

Rite for the Blessing of a Child Womb

Pregnant Woman Any expectant mother may receive this blessing for their unborn baby at any time. You will not need to make a special appointment, but can ask the priest when uou come to Mass or you could contact him at the office.
The blessing can take place at Mass or outside of Mass.


Altar Flowers

Flowers for the Altar are given in honor of or in memory of friends & family of our parishioners. The cost is $50 per arrangement. If you would like to donate, please call the office at (901) 346-2380.

During Lent and Advent, there will be no flowers present on the altar. Also during Easter and Christmas, the parish will provide the flowers with the help of your flower offering envelopes.

Virgin of Guadalupe Dance Group

Virgin of Guadalupe Virgin of Guadalupe Dance Group practices (for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe) on Saturdays in the Parish Hall (or outside if the Hall is in use) from 6:00 to :00 p.m. We are inviting those who would like to join to call Roberto Garcia 901.489.1565.

St. Paul Youth Choir

Music St. Paul Youth Choir sings on the first Sunday of every month at noon Mass, on the second Sunday at 10:00 AM Mass. The music will be bilingual.

The youth choir is bi-lingual and open children between the ages of 8 and 18. More young singers are needed, especially boys. Come to the church on Thursdays for practice at 6:00 p.m.

St. Paul Adult Choir

St. Paul Adult Choir has resumed singing at the Sunday 10 a.m. Mass. it is open to any adult (Hispanic included) with practice every Wednesday at 7 p.m. if interested, just come to practice on Wednesday's. We are in need of singers.


Priest and Nun “God chose us before the world began to be holy.” God has chosen each person in Christ for a particular vocation. If He may be calling you to be holy through a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life, call Father Yoelvis Gonzalez at (901) 373-1243 or write:

Serra Club of Memphis

The Serra Club of Memphis is an organization of Catholic lay persons of all ages and from all walks of life sharing the objects and purposes (a) to foster and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and (b) to further Catholicism by encouraging members in fellowship through education to fulfill their Christian vocations to service.

The Serra Club of Memphis sponsors a monthly Holy Hour open to all Catholics to pray for vocations. The Hour consists of vespers, the recitation of the Rosary, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. It is held on the second Thursday of each month at St. Louis Church at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome.

Meetings are held on the 4th Friday of every month following the 11:25 a.m. Mass at the Stritch Center located on the Christen Brothers University campus (East Parkway at Central).


Why Use Offering Envelopes?

Offertory Envelopes Offering envelopes are intended to be an aid for Christian stewardship. Having an offering envelope designated for each worship service and for special funds can serve as a REMINDER to set aside an offering from our firstfruits as a gift of thanksgiving to the Lord. "On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper…" (1 Corinthians 16:2). The envelopes that we use at St. Paul provide a reminder of the main areas to which our offerings are applied: Current Expenses (MLG&W, grounds keeping, telephones, office supplies, etc.), Missions (Peter Pence, Holy Land, Religious Retirement, Villa Vianney, etc.), School Fund, and the Maintenance Fund.

Another reason for offering envelopes is the CONVENIENCE they provide. An envelope system can make it more convenient for the offering to be properly recorded by the church office and by the individual who gives the offering. It serves as an official record of your contribution for the IRS.

As we hear God’s Word and grow in appreciative love for all He has done and continues to do for us, we will find every reason to show our thanks and offer our gifts for the work of His Kingdom. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Electronic giving is an acceptable alternative to using envelopes. God loves a cheerful giver regardless of the method by which that gift comes.

Electronic Giving Now Available!

If you are currently giving on a weekly (or monthly) basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks per year or money in envelope even prepare 52 envelopes! And when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending Mass, this program will allow your weekly (or monthly) contributions to continue on an uninterrupted basis.

Stop by the parish office weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to fill out the needed authorization form to get started.

A donation to St. Paul can make a world of difference!

Gifts of securities to St. Paul Catholic Church can be an attractive giving method. If you own securities that are worth more than you paid for them, you may receive an income tax deduction for the full current market value of the stocks donated.

In addition, you may bypass capital gains taxes that would otherwise be due. It is simple to make a transfer and we can easily provide you electronic transfer account information. The church encourages donors to consult with their tax advisor when considering these types of gifts.

IRA Contribution Possibilities
Individuals age 70 ½ and over may make a donation direct from their Traditional IRA direct to St. Paul without that money being included in their adjusted gross income. While this can be a benefit to all taxpayers, the direct donation can be especially useful for those that don’t itemize deductions, and for those that are forced to take a Required Minimum Distribution. In order for you to get this tax break, the check must go directly from your IRA trustee to the church. Contact Jackie at the Parish Office or your tax advisor for more information.

Stock Gifts
If you own securities that are worth more than you paid for them, you may receive an income tax deduction for the full current market value of the stocks donated. In addition, you may bypass capital gains taxes that would otherwise be due. It is simple to make a transfer and we can easily provide you electronic transfer account information. The church encourages donors to consult with their tax advisors when considering these types of gifts.

Charitable bequests can reduce taxes and help you benefit your family and others through your will or living trust. Please remember St. Paul Catholic Church in your will or living trust. To discuss this with our finance staff, please contact Jackie at the parish office: (901) 346-2380

Conduct at Mass

Celebrating Children


Please be considerate of your neighbor...

Protecting God’s Children

The Catholic Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee encourages all victims, or parents of minors who are victims, of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon or diocesan employee or agent, to report such abuse by phoning any of the following numbers: Tennessee Child Abuse Hotline (1-877-237-0004) or Victim Assistance Coordinator (901-652-4066). All reports will be treated in a confidential manner. The Diocese of Memphis offers a program of psychological and spiritual assistance to abused victims in need.

Got Junk?

Donate your old appliances, junk cars and scrap metal to the Knights of Columbus. Call Michael Harrington at (901) 214-5659 for pick-up.

Soda Can Recycling Save your aluminum soda and beer cans and drop them in the white barrels next to the dumpster in the rear parking lot. In Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment, Laudato Si, he calls on each and every one of us to become good stewards of the earth (23).

Announcements Suggestions

If you know of an announcement that needs to be included or updated here...
Contact our webmaster with detailed information: